meditation / letting go / vedic knowledge 

Before embarking on our 3-month teacher training intensive you'll need to have completed a number of prerequisites.

Our prerequisites are broken across three pillars: Meditation, Letting Go and Vedic Knowledge. You do not need to have completed all the prerequisites before applying for the training, but you will need to have completed them by the time you join us in India.

Are you ready?

Our 3 month intensive training guarantees total transformation - it is not to be taken lightly! 

You will go through a rigourous program of meditation (more than 600 hours) and be continuously challenged on the level of the intellect with memorisation tests, all without a single day off - for 84 days.

It is therefore essential we make sure you are mentally, physically and spiritually prepared for the challenge.

Take your time to read through the each the prerequisites to begin your journey now. 

1. meditation experience

2. letting go

3. vedic knowledge

1. Your Vedic Meditation experience

vedic meditation practice

12 months of twice-a-day Vedic Meditation practice.

1 x rounding retreat

Completion of one residential Rounding Retreat.

1 x advanced technique

Initiated into at least one Advanced Vedic Meditation technique

First and foremost, before being accepted onto our training you will need to demonstrate that you have a consistent twice-daily Vedic Meditation practice. You will need to have learned how to 'Round', and have attended at least one residential Rounding Retreat. You will also have been initiated into your first Vedic Meditation Advanced Technique.

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explore retreats

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2. Learn the art of letting go

One question we can guarantee you will be asked by your students once you become a teacher is "How do I let go?".

The online course Learn to Let Go by Matt Ringrose is the culmination of 12 years of experience researching and teaching the art of surrender. It combines Vedic principles with practical techniques to help you let go of whatever is holding you back. 

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The ability to let go is invaluable when undertaking an intensive Rounding program. Since we made Learn to Let Go available to our students we have seen a significant improvement in their ability to move through the 'unstressing' process on Rounding Retreats. We want you to have this additional skill in your toolkit to help you navigate the highest rounding program of all. 

3. Expand  your Vedic knowledge 

Throughout the 3-month training program you will attend daily Vedic knowledge lectures with our teachers. The knowledge shared, as well as enriching your own experience, will help prepare you to host your own Group Meditations once you have graduated.

These lectures will presuppose, and build upon, an existing understanding of the fundamentals of Vedic knowledge. It is therefore a requirement that you have completed an advanced Vedic knowledge course prior to attending our training.

For our 2025 training we will consider accepting any advanced Vedic knowledge courses which we believe meet the standards required for our training. 

BMC's own advanced Vedic knowledge course, A Very Vedic Life, will be opening for registrations in November 2024 and begin in March 2025.

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Very Vedic Life


Are you ready for the deepest dive yet into the Veda?

Very Vedic Life by Matt Ringrose is a comprehensive, wide-reaching exploration of the sacred texts of ancient India. Matt takes a rigorous approach,  revisiting the original source materials to extract the most relevant and practical wisdom for modern life.

Over 6 weekends, in a live in-person format (with a live online option), Matt will guide us on a journey to discover the truth about life and how we can live it in the best way possible. 

our community

The moment you express interest in our training, you gain access to our private teachers-in-training community — whether you join us 2025 or later. No matter when (or if) you decide to enroll, you’ll always have a network of support.

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